In 1949, George Orwell released the novel 1984. The book follows a dystopian future where the Government watches and controls everyone’s lives through propaganda manipulating what is fact and what is fiction. 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the publication and it remains relevant as a criticism of the way we are told to live our lives.
“Pathway to Prosperity: A Comprehensive Guide to Succeeding in the Rat Race” is a satirical exploration of the themes within 1984. The publication acts as the fictional manual of a government ministry: The Department of Work, Wealth, Ownership and Power. Readers are indoctrinated into following the endless cycle of capitalism. The book presents the over-the-top statements and lies fed to us in a capitalist society, and then dismantles them by showing the hidden terms and conditions. This showcases the infinite rat race that we find ourselves scurrying through, with no end in sight.
Pathway to Prosperity is a publication
produced by final year students BA(hons) Graphic Design, University of the West of England. It is published by Typenowhere, the publishing branch of the UWE Graphics course.